Autism from within

My name is Louise Egelund Jensen. I was born in 1981 and 17 years later I was diagnosed with autism (Asperger's Syndrome) after years of depression and an eating disorder.

Since 2002 I have been giving lectures about living with autism. I am also the author of 5 books about living with autism.

I have 7 different lectures, as described below, all of them avaliable in English. They each last about an hour and afterwards I'm more than happy to answer questions. I make an effort to focus on strengths rather than weaknesses, and use a positive approach and humor to describe the challenges I live with every day.

Should any of those be of interest, please email me at the address at the bottom of the page.


"Autism and emotions" - being tired of the prejudice around autism and lack of empathy and emotions in general, I made a lecture about my rich emotional life, and how I sometimes may appear to feel less than non-autistic people. This is also the subject of one of my books.

"Relationships" - In this lecture I talk about the different relationships I have and have had in my life. Relationships with my parents, friends, colleagues, aquaintances among others.

"Sensory sensitivity" - An in-depth lecture about sensory sensitivity. I will be talking about all 7 senses and how they affect me in my everyday life, and what can be done to live with sensory issues. This is also the subject of one of my books.

"Stress from within" - Which situations are stressful and why? What do I do to lower stress and what can others do to help me when I'm stressed? These are the topics of this lecture. This is the subject of my first book.

"What I can and how" - Shifting the focus from all the things autiastic people can't do, this lecture is about some of the things I can do, how I learned to do them, and what tools I use to compensate for lower executive functioning skills and central coherence. This is also a talk with a lot of empowerment. Learning to embrace who you are, instead of failing as someone you can never be.

"Autism and eating disorders" - I was diagnosed with autism, because an eating disorder sent me to a psychiatrist, as is the case for so many others. But why does so many autistic people struggle with food and eating? This I try to answer in this lecture. Eating disorders and problematic eating habits is the subject of my latest book.

"Autism and sexuality" - There really wasn't any books avaliable when I was young to teach me about sexuality in a way that made sense and took my autism into account, so I decided to write one myself, using my own experiences with sexuality and sexual education. This lecture is about sexual education to autistic people.